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Participate: Voices from the Margins

The project, coordinated from the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), University of Sussex, UK was part of the ‘Beyond 2015’ consortium of participatory development researchers from 28 countries. The interest of the project was to insert ordinary people’s voices and aspirations into the framing of the sustainable development goals (SDGs), which would replace the MDGs. Secondly, the consortium aimed to direct the attention of the high level panels and the United Nations to the fact that participation works and helps to better deliver development.


  • Kaduna, Katsina and Kano States.


  • Participatory Governance, Participatory Development.




  • The consortium of organizations was, in the first place a meeting ground for researchers to share their work;
  • The work of the practitioners was an opportunity to learn about participatory engagement in which ordinary citizens drive the process;
  • The voices of ordinary citizens found space at the UN Assembly in 2013 when the ‘Beyond 2015’ group presented the voices of ordinary citizens in a space never imagined possible by them or the practitioners themselves!
  • The engagement with the high level panels and the presentation at the UN focused attention on the importance of participation in the framing of the sustainable development goals (SDGs).

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