Written Publications

Our team members have been involved in the following written publications (please note: this is just a sample; for a full overview of publications in peer reviewed journals, books, and other written sources please contact our individual team members:

# Policy Briefings
  • (2019) "School Feeding Programme and Access to Quality Education in Nigeria". This gives insight into the school feeding programme in Kaduna State and the role of NPTA in its monitoring. Read or download the publication here. Issue No. 1, MAY 2019
  • (2009) Democracy, Citizenship And Conflict In Nigeria: Towards Making Governance Work For The People. Read or download this policy Briefing here. Issue 3, May 2009
  • (2005) 'The Paradox of Plenty: Oil, the Niger Delta, and Accountability’. TFDC Policy Briefing, In Partnership with the DRC on Citizenship, Participation, and Accountability. Read or download this Policy Briefing here. Issue 2 February 2005
  • (2003) Nigeria: in search of Citizens?’ TFDC Policy Briefing, In Partnership with the DRC on Citizenship, Participation, and Accountability. Read or download this policy Briefing here. Issue 1, December 2003
# Books
  • (2005) Community Theatre: An Introductory Coursebook, Zaria, Tamaza Press.. Editor: Jenkeri Zakari Okwori
  • (2003) Geographies of Citizenship in Nigeria, Zaria, Tamaza Press.. Editors: Oga Steve Abah et alt
# Articles
  • (2007) "The Rhythms of Transformation: Theatre and Conflict Resolution in Northern Nigeria" in: New Theater Quarterly, Cambridge University Press, Vol.xx111 Part 2, pp 161-170.. Author: Samuel A. Kafewo
  • (2007) "Vignettes of Communities in Action: An Exploration of Participatory Methodologies in Promoting Community Development in Nigeria". In: Community Development Journal, Vol. 42, No. 4.. Author: Oga Steve Abah
  • (2006) "Theatre for Development (TFD) and the Process of Peace Building in Northern Nigeria: The Example of the Building Bridges Project in Kano", In: Writing, Performance and Literature in Northern Nigeria, Sa'idu B. Ahmad and Muhammed O. Bhadmus (Eds.), Bayero University, Kano.. Author: Ayegba Martins Adegbe
  • (2002) "Agendas in Encountering Citizens in the Nigerian Context", In: IDS Bulletin, Volume 33, Number 2, April 02, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, pp. 24-30.. Authors: Oga Steve Abah & Jenkeri Zakari Okwori
  • (1999) "Instances project: Negotiating Meaning and Empowerment through Theatre", in: Work in Progress, No. 9 & 10, pp. 33-39.. Author: Jenkeri Zakari Okwori
  • (1992) "Cultural Forms as Media in Theatre for Integrated Development: The Example from the Akpa District TIDE Workshop". Na We: Journal of the Nigerian Popular Theatre Alliance, Vol.1 No.1 (June 92), pp.54-58.. Author: Oga Steve Abah
  • (1990) "Popular Theatre Dissects Community Issues in Rural Africa" in: Reflections (UNESCO), pp.32-35.. Author: Oga Steve Abah