Our Programmes

The Organization has six programmatic areas in furtherance of its objectives as follows:

  1. Institutional Development Programme focusing on the development of institutional structures and the creation of enabling environment, which promotes participatory learning and development.
  2. Training Programme- The Centre runs courses at diploma and certificate levels for NGOs, CBOs, Development Agents, workers and academic institutions in a number of areas such as: Community Development, Development Studies, Theatre and Media for Development and other customized courses on demand.
  3. Research and Publications- This programme supports creative research in performance and communication arts in support of participatory development. The research findings feed into bi-annual publications of journal and books.
  4. Communication, Media and Community Outreach – This programme is a package of different activities adopting a multi-media approach to realize the Centre’s objective. The outreach component of this programme selects particular themes (gender, women’s health, Democracy and good governance, population, etc.) and works in tandem with the research programme.
  5. Fellowship and Networking- Offers short-term fellowships to scholars and researchers, and internships to students of TFD and other participatory development strategies. This programme also encourages development actors (NGOs, CBOs, development agencies, etc. to meet and exchange ideas.
  6. Partnership – is a programme of partnering and collaborating with other NGOs, institutions, centres and relevant bodies by pooling resources and experiences on development projects and implementation actions.