Our Partners

NPTA - TFDC have worked together with many partners and affiliates since their foundation in 1988 and 2000. For an overview of partners we worked with on specific initiatives see Our Projects. Our key partners include:

  • Development Research Centre on Citizenship, Participation and Accountability (IDS, University of Sussex): the Development Research Centre (DRC) is the lead partner in the DFID-funded participatory research programmeEncountering Citizens. NPTA - TFDC as a research partner is engaged in implementing the Encountering Citizens programme along with 5 other partners from Africa, Asia and Latin America.
  • State and Local Government Project (SLGP): Aiming to promote effective pro-poor state and local government policies in Nigeria, SLGP in partnership with NPTA - TFDC conducted a series of community consultations for Consultations for Local Government Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy ‘LEEDS’ (see project description ‘Have your Say).
  • VSO Nigeria: Through volunteer and skills exchange programmes, VSO Nigeria engages in capacity building of over 60 partner organisations across Nigeria within three thematic areas: Education, Secure Livelihoods, and HIV&AIDS. Having facilitated a 10-day TFD Facilitation Training for VSO partners and volunteers, NPTA - TFDC continues to liaise with VSO and its partners to develop follow-up strategies for cascading and sustaining the workshop learning.
  • Institute for Documentation and Research (IDR): The Institute for Documentation and Research (IDR), based in the Ahmadu Bello University, aims to undertake cutting-edge research into development issues with a special focus on West-Africa and Nigeria. NPTA - TFDC collaborates with IDR on research assignments through IDR’s seven research networks: Governance, Democracy and Security; Environment & Livelihoods; Education and Development; Arts, Culture, and Development; Health and Development; Science and Life; Information and Communication Technology.
  • CBD NGO Forum: This network organisation for NGOs (based in Jos, Plateau State, with over 150 member organisations in central and northern Nigeria) was a key implementing partner in the adolescent health and education programme ‘For Tomorrow’, along with NPTA - TFDC. Areas for future partnering include good governance (budget monitoring), HIV&AIDs, gender equality (women’s political participation), and monitoring and evaluation.