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Mobilizing for Development

This is essentially an accountability and governance project that demands responsiveness of service providers/supply side to communities. It cuts across several sectors such as education, health, gender, drug revolving fund, agriculture, water and sanitation. The theory of change for the project is that community development is more likely to succeed if community-based organisations/civil society groups are made the entry points for implementation. To make CBOs/CSOs demand accountability and responsiveness from policy makers and service providers, the implementation processes entailed training, advocacy, monitoring and community organising, etc. The role of NPTA - TFDC is evaluation of the project.


  • Kaduna, Kano and Jigawa States.


  • Governance, Accountability, Community Development.




  • A cohort of adolescents in beneficiary communities trained to build their self-esteem and agency to make demands;
  • Many of the girls and their parents have accepted the value of education and the accompanying knowledge for living a more fulfilling lives as citizens;
  • Relevance of CBOs/CSOs as both advocacy and resource groups within communities acknowledged;
  • People with disability (PWD) are valued as full citizens in their communities- and many of such physically challenged persons have lifted themselves beyond being beggars;
  • Abilities of CBOs to advocate and make demand from service providers and policy makers increased;
  • Advocacy and management skills of CBOs better than in the past.

Project Files