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From Celebration to Survival

This project examined the agricultural problems of three communities in Benue State. At the base of lack of basic amenities and infrastructures which we found in the three communities, was an issue of divorced development practice; a government system which paid no attention to the ordinary men and women of Onyuwei, Adankari and Otobi. The spin-offs from this project were a series of income-generating projects in the villages of Onyuwei, Adankari and Otobi. These projects made a significant difference in the lives of the community members.


  • Onyuwei, Adankari and Otobi Communities in Akpa District of Benue State, Nigeria.


  • Community Development.


  • UNESCO, SIDA, CUSO, DSE, Common-wealth Foundation, Canada Fund


  1. Concrete outomes included: community farms in Adankari and Onyuwei. The proceeds from the income-generating project have contributed to community projects such as seasonal bridge across River Okpokwu to link Onyuwei with other parts of the district.
  2. In Adankari, the monies realized from the farm provided seed money for establishing a health clinic, which the Local Government now supports.
  3. A multi-purpose grinding to generate income as well as reduce the burden on women was installed at Otobi for women.

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